CGS Fall 2017 Pre-service Teachers’ Workshop, “Food and Sustainability: Solving Real World Problems in the Classroom”

CGS Fall 2017 Pre-service Teachers’ Workshop, “Food and Sustainability: Solving Real World Problems in the Classroom”

All curricular resources developed from this workshop can be found on our K-12 Curricular Materials pages for ElementaryMiddle, and High School levels.

Elizabeth Troxell, Penns Valley High School, Social Studies Teacher and 2015-2016 CGS Teaching Fellow
Elizabeth has taught American History I, American History II, and World History, along with numerous electives that include Pennsylvania History, American Military History, Civil War & Reconstruction, and Your World in the 21st Century. She helped to create the course “Your World in the 21st Century” to help students explore global issues, which is a course that allows students to understand the social, economic, and environmental interconnections facing our global world today.

More food is grown than what would be needed to sustain the world’s population and many people consume so much food that they are actually overweight. However, the reality is that hunger and malnutrition still exists all over the world. While hunger affects people in even the richest countries in the world, hunger tends to affect greater numbers of people in underdeveloped countries. Food security affects individual wellbeing and relates to sustainability as well. To ensure that all people have access to nutritious food, we must therefore, make sustainable choices to ensure a healthy planet.