
Breakout Session #1

World Languages:(10) Two Groups (5 & 5)

  • What to Eat? Students brainstorm around the meaning of malnutrition and possible root causes of malnutrition. In pairs, they construct an ideal diet for a day, considering how many calories and which nutrients are important to include in their meals. (from facing the future curriculum)
    • This would help assess students on their food vocabulary!
      • Extension: Write the resources and processes it took to produce your country’s favorite meal. There are many steps required to make your item, including the resources needed to produce, process, deliver, serve, and dispose of it. Create a web diagram to visualize this process and explain the impacts from each of these processes.
        • U.S. Example: Hamburger, Fries, and a Cola
        • Assesses Components of Ecological Footprint: Oxygen, Food, Water, Fiber, Energy, Infrastructure, Waste Disposal, Recreation What does this tell you about your country’s sustainability? Offer recommendations.

Social Studies: (12) Three Groups (4×3)

  • What the World Eats:In a matching exercise, students work to connect countries’ food availability with information about each country’s geographic, economic, and sociopolitical features. Students identify factors that may contribute to food availability or scarcity within a particular country. By examining a map of world hunger, students see for themselves where hunger is most prevalent in the world and discuss possible root causes. (from facing the future curriculum)
    • Global Economic Development

English: (11) Three Groups (4 & 4 & 3)

  • Food Fight: Students will research and debate the question of whether a vegetarian lifestyle is advisable, considering both environmental resources and human health. (from facing the future curriculum)
    • Strong Persuasive Arguments

Math: (9) Two Groups (3 & 3 & 3)

  • Insectivores: Humans have been eating insects snce prehistoric times. Although in some world regions, including America, it is considered taboo, the reality is 1,000 species of insects are eaten in over 80% of countries in the world. Insects are a dietary staple in regions of Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America. (from 21st Century Math Projects)
    • In “Nutrition Facts of an Insectivore”, students begin practicing translating verbal expressions into inequalities and graphing them on a number line.
    • In “Sustainability of an Insectivore”, students will look at the environmental impact of common food versus insects. They will continue practicing writing inequalities from verbal expressions, solving them and graphing them on a number line.
    • In “Insectivore: Share the News Infographic” students should use information from their research in their project.

Science: (22) Five Groups (3 Groups of 4, 2 Groups of 5)

  • Sustainable Food Web: Students will design a sustainable ecosytem to understand the multi-dimensional aspect of food security. Students will also discuss challenges such as continuing population growth, impacts of climate change and ecological degradation. (from Living Environment Bootcamp)

Lesson Closure

  1. Service Learning Posters: Each group will make a poster highlighting what they learned from their activity. Students will then summarize their posters for the class. Highlight “The Most Important Thing”
  2. Making the World a Better Place Checkback: Students will look back at their lists from the beginning of the lesson. Would they make additions to this list after today’s activities? Give students two minutes to discuss in groups. Report out to the class!