The Big Idea
The resources that Japan’s large population is consuming exceed the biocapacity of the land.
- State the reason why it has become a trend to bring one’s own chopsticks when eating out.
- Describe the causes and effects in the Japan-China market for disposable chopsticks.
- State the percent of the food supply that is grown in Japan and sources of the rest of the supply.
- Introductory Powerpoint presentation with narration
- Disposable chopsticks (optional)
- Disposable Chopsticks Strip Asian Forests
- Chopstick Economics and The “My Hashi” Boom
- Power Point: Resource Consumption
News articles:
- “Disposable Chopsticks Strip Asian Forests”
- “Chopstick Economics and the My Hashi Boom”
- 10 half sheets of newsprint
- World Wildlife Fund Report, Japan Ecological Footprint Report 2012, pp. 25-26
- View Powerpoint introductory presentation. Have students multiply to estimate the number of pairs of chopsticks the Japanese use every year.
- (optional) Demonstrate disposable chopstick customs.
- Students read “Disposable Chopsticks Strip Asian Forests” and “Chopstick Economics and the My Hashi Boom”
- Divide into groups of three. Students discuss and draw a representation of the cause and effects explained in the article. Groups show their diagrams and explain the relationships.
- Direct students to Japan Ecological Footprint Report 2012, p.25-26. Have them skim the article for a definition of “biocapacity.” Write the definition on the board. Have the students read the
- two pages and look at the biocapacity map and pie chart. Answer the following questions:
- What percentage of Japanese people’s food is produced in Japan?
- Which other countries export food to Japan?
- How are those other countries doing in terms of biocapacity?
- Direct students to Japan Ecological Footprint Report 2012, p.31. Read it aloud.
- Answer the following questions:
- Is Japan’s food supply secure for the future?
- What factors do they have in their favor?
- What actions should they take to improve their food security?
- Answer the following questions: