Japanese Art – Worksheet Lesson 10a

Furoshiki Portrait Likes and Dislikes

Furoshiki: Furoshiki is the traditional Japanese art of cloth folding to contain, wrap and carry objects. It also has the meaning of layering, and of hiding and revealing objects.

We are going to explore the idea of furoshiki as a way to explore the layers of your personality, including the things you like and also the things you don’t like.

Part One: What Do You Like?  What Do You Hate?

Directions: A: Write the answer to each of the questions in the space provided. For B, think of a picture that would represent that concept, idea, or feeling.

1. List your 3 favorite things to do:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (pictures that would show this):   ______________________________________

2. List 3 things you hate to do:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (pictures that would show this):   ______________________________________

3. List your 3 favorite foods:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (pictures that would show this):   ______________________________________

4. List a food you just can’t stand:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (pictures that would show this):   ______________________________________

5. What is your favorite band and/or your favorite song?:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (pictures that would show this. For this one, you can get lyrics off the
internet): __________________________________________________________

6. What are your two favorite colors?:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (you don’t need pictures for this one):   _________________________________

7. What is your favorite possession?:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (pictures that would show this):   ______________________________________

8. What person or place makes you feel the most comfortable and safe?:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (pictures that would show this):   ______________________________________

9. What scares you the most or makes you very uncomfortable?:
A. ________________________________________________________________
B. (pictures that would show this):   ______________________________________

Part Two

For each of the pictures above, find a picture on the internet that would represent that idea. Save the pictures on a folder labeled “art pictures” on your personal folder on the network. Directions to save the pictures are below:

Find a picture you want on the internet. A good place to start is Google images. If possible, click on the link that prompts you to get a larger image. These are better to work with in Photoshop.

To make a new folder:

  1. Double click on My Computer
  2. Double click on your folder on the network.
  3. Click the new folder icon. This usually looks like a manila folder with a little star in the corner. Sometimes, on the left of the screen, there are the words, “Make a new folder.” Either one will work.
  4. Rename the folder with the words “art pictures.” You can do this by right clicking on the folder and choosing “Rename.”

To save a picture:

  1. Right click on the picture.
  2. Click on “save picture as.”
  3. Click on the light blue arrow next to the “Save in” box.
  4. Click on the icon for your folder. An example would be “rsmi”
  5. Double click on your art pictures folder.
  6. In the “file name” box, give a name you will remember.
  7. Click the OK button. You are finished!
  8. Save all of your pictures in this folder.